Parenting Coordination


My com­mit­ment in Par­ent­ing Coor­di­na­tion is to help you cre­ate co-parenting strate­gies designed to help your chil­dren thrive and real­ize their full poten­tial. We begin the jour­ney of cre­ative co-parenting at the begin­ning: cre­at­ing together the atmos­phere that allows you to dis­cuss, medi­ate and resolve issues of shared par­ent­ing. Along the way, we typ­i­cally solve thorny issues like vis­i­ta­tion sched­ul­ing, man­age­ment of hol­i­days, extracur­ric­u­lar activ­i­ties, vaca­tions, school issues, con­tact with rel­a­tives, spe­cial needs, ongo­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion between the par­ents and con­flict reduction.

Divorce is one of the most life alter­ing expe­ri­ences you and your chil­dren will ever face. Change usu­ally involves let­ting go of things that are famil­iar in order that new pos­si­bil­i­ties can emerge. You will be called on to work, risk and grow for the sake of your children.


My imme­di­ate goal is to help you adapt to the dif­fi­cul­ties of co-parenting your chil­dren now that the fam­ily no longer lives together. I pro­mote coop­er­a­tive deci­sion mak­ing between both par­ents and am com­mit­ted to cre­at­ing an envi­ron­ment with you where you ulti­mately can resolve issues with­out my assistance.

My Role

I am here to help you develop, restruc­ture and/or fine-tune your par­ent­ing plan. I will assist you in dis­pute res­o­lu­tion and in learn­ing about the skills needed to resolve issues and avoid con­flicts that arise from their spe­cific cir­cum­stances. If you are unable to come to an agree­ment on issues, then I can use my pro­fes­sional ther­a­peu­tic exper­tise to help you improve your co-parenting skills.


I will ini­tially sched­ule an “intake” ses­sion with both of you — sep­a­rately or together. The intake ses­sion is often con­ducted indi­vid­u­ally and at dif­fer­ent times. We will decide together the fre­quency and times of sub­se­quent meet­ings. Ses­sions are typ­i­cally 45 min­utes to 1–1/2 hours in length.

Who is Involved

You the par­ents are the prin­ci­pal par­ties involved. I may, how­ever, request meet­ings with ther­a­pists, attor­neys, coun­selors, teach­ers, step-parents and other pro­fes­sion­als who have con­tact with your chil­dren if I feel they may aid in the process.

What Hap­pens in a Ses­sion?

Ses­sions are held indi­vid­u­ally or with both par­ents in atten­dance. We will dis­cuss the issues con­cern­ing your chil­dren. We will cre­ate the prac­tices designed to help you work more coop­er­a­tively with each other. The aim of each meet­ing is to learn, resolve issues and avoid tri­als and hearings.

Although I am Licensed in Florida and Cal­i­for­nia as a Mar­riage and Fam­ily Ther­a­pist, I will not take the place of your ther­a­pist, nor will I take the place of your attor­ney. Instead I will be focused on help­ing both par­ents learn to work more coop­er­a­tively with each other, help­ing you shield your chil­dren from your ongo­ing con­flicts and devel­op­ing a par­ent­ing plan that really works.

Find out more ABOUT ME or MY SERVICES.

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